Scantlin Family

Greetings from Virginia, we hope this site will help you to keep up with our family and friends. We will post regularly to share our family photos and special events with YOU!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 1 - Travel to Denver

Okay so we flew out of BWI because it was straight flight and it was the least expensive. Won't do that again anytime soon. My husband makes all these trips and he does not travel well when it comes to airports. He was stressed out before we ever got to the airport. It was not a very fun trip out since the airlines kept changing our departure status and we ended up sitting on the aircraft for 2 and half hours before taking off. We were happy to fianally get there but were pretty tired at the end of our first day.

Day 2...Visit to Aunt Phyllis

Aunt Phyllis had a great back yard with lots of shade and places to relax.
Wrinkles and of the highlights of the trip for the girls was playing with the pups.
Olivia and Abby get cooled off in the pool.

Mom and Baby

The foal gets close to Hannah

This new baby was scared of everyone accept Hannah. She was being very patient and finally got to pet her.

Day 2...Hannah

Hannah had many emotions as she got on a horse for the first time ever. She was excited, nervous, and very cautious.
She was holding on very tightly to Jay's mane. Pauls assured her that she would not hurt him by doing this. She got to ride bare back.

Jay was very nice and gentle with all his riders. He even stopped to look and pose for this picture.

Day 2...Abby

Abby and Olivia were not excited about getting too close to the horse.
Abby finally was brave enough to pet Jay.
Once her dad got on she thought she would give it a try and she rode for a few minutes.

Day 2...Olivia

Olivia finally decides to get on the horse for a picture...
Then Paula takes the lead and leads Jay (the horse) away...
Olivia decides this is not fun get me off...and runs back to mommy

Day 2...Lots of fun

The girls had fun getting on top of this large round hay bale and posing for pictures.

Day 3...Hi Aunt Creta

Hannah was so happy to see Aunt Creta, she remembers when they visited here three years ago.

Aunt Creta and Jerry

Day 3...Visiting Family

We got to see some family that Jerry has not seen in many years. We had a great dinner at Applebee's, thanks Uncle Eddie. We hope you all will come visit us sometime soon!

Uncle Eddie has a truck with a camper on the bed of it. The girls had fun playing and visiting with me through this little window.

Day 4...Sweet Tooth

Check out these candy sculptures each of the girls posed next to.

We spent Monday morning touring Hammond's candy factory. It was free and it was very hot outside that day so I thought it would be fun. They of course exit you through the candy shop after the tour so it was no longer free for us. The hardest part was picking only one thing for each of us.

Day 4...The Candy Factory

This will turn into some delicious candy very soon.
Adding some flavor to the candy.

Packaging the candy.

Day 5...Downtown Denver

We took time after our tour at the Denver Mint (no pictures allowed) to visit the State Capitol.

Day 5...The Simple Things

The girls had fun chasing the pigeons around in downtown Denver.

Day 6...Enjoying the Outdoors

We made the hatchback of Uncle Eddie's car cozy for the girls to ride in while we search for wildlife.
We had a contest to see who could find the smallest pinecone...Hannah won!
These girls loved climbing all the you can see why they call them the Rockies...are maybe you already knew that.

Day 6...God's Creation

Day 6...Wildlife

We saw many deer and even a mom and fawn. The first thing we saw was a moose a (bottom picture). It's very hard to see in this picture but see if you can spot it. I could zoom it on my camera screen and get a pretty cool look at him.

Click on the picture above to enlarge and see the moose.

Day 7...A Morning Hike

We promised the girls the evening before that we would take them hiking. We were out around 9 am to go for a nice walk. There was path and it was an easy hike but they really had a lot of fun.
You must have just the right walking stick for hiking these trails. We all found one fairly quickly. Jerry on the other hand never did, he was looking forward some perfect stick just the right size and it had to be aspen.