Scantlin Family

Greetings from Virginia, we hope this site will help you to keep up with our family and friends. We will post regularly to share our family photos and special events with YOU!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 5

Olivia turns 5 on Thursday, April 24. This trip was planned for her and we hope she will have this wonderful memory for life!
Olivia really loved the beach and when we asked what she wanted to do for her day she said, "the beach," and I said, "that's my girl!"
Abby looked so cool and cute with this hat, not suppose to be a swim hat but we used it as such and it kept her from nasty sunburn on the head.
Scary! I figured it wasn't fair to post everyone else being lazy on the beach and not myself.
Jer and Han, they were so happy to have these beach umbrellas to protect and create and nice shade from the sun.


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